Are We offended?


Recently it seems as if America is offended by EVERYTHING!!!. Well here you go you want to take offense to something, the flag above was flown 1776. This flag represented the 13 original colonies. Oh but from 1776 until 1861 the American flag was flown all over up until the Civil war, Which means there was slavery under this flag. Betsy Ross the maker of the flag, and George Washington who helped create this flag were both slave owners. So does this mean we should abolish the use of this flag to?. My answer is a big resounding NO!! What people do not realize the confederate flag they are complaining about is not even the original confederate flag.


This is the Original Confederate flag, also known as the Stars and Bars. Does this look familiar?. This was the first flag captured by the Union Army. the problem with this flag on the battlefield is it was to close to the American Flag flown during battle by the Union Army. So there had to be a change so people knew who they were at war with. The Change came with the Confederate X with the stars. Not the one you see flying these days. The one they replaced it with had a white field where the Red and white bars were. Yes the white field on the flag was about white superiority. Although I do not believe in slavery or white supremacy myself I believe we are losing sight of our history.


Above is the Confederate Battle flag that was flown on the Battle field. The X in the Corner with the White field. Now if someone flew this flag I might be a bit offended. But this is not the modern Confederate flag at all. this flag was also designed so that the two armies could tell each other apart on the battle field. The confederate army had beliefs just like the Union did. Right or Wrong it is part of history, and if we forget where we came from as a nation, we will repeat our history.


This was the modern day Confederate flag. WHITE field removed for obvious reasons. This is NOT the same flag that flew during the Civil War. Although some people have taken this flag and used it as a symbol of hate and violence. I do not believe it even meant the same thing. they removed the part of the flag that meant that completely. It was used as a symbol of the south for many years. This whole thing went to far as to even remove the show Dukes of Hazard off the air from T.V. The General Lee Was a car we grew up with and were entertained by. Although other programs such as Hogans Heroes, The Jeffersons, All in the family were not removed off the Air. All of these programs dealt with racial tensions of some sort. George Jefferson used the word HONKY 21 times in the first season alone. Although I may not like the Jeffersons, I just do not watch it is all!. All in the family dealt with bigotry almost every episode. Sammy Davis Jr. would appear on the show and Kiss Archie Bunker on the cheek breaking down racial barriers a bit. Hogans heroes was about a Prisoner of War camp in Nazi Germany ran by buffoon Nazis. I do not like the show again because it is making fun of a very serious subject, again I can turn the channel as simple as that. I can even go as far as Threes company, Jack Tripper had to pretend to be gay, just so he could stay with 2 female room mates. He had to do this because his landlords were old fashioned, and believed that men living with women should not be done unless you were married. His landlords were always making fun of him being supposedly gay. Do you see any of these shows being removed off the air?


Here is the American Flag flying with the Christian flag. Some people believe this flag should be removed to. there is that white field. I do not believe this flag should be removed. This is a flag that represents God and Country. No matter your belief. A flag can be flown that is why this country was once a great nation. It was a melting pot for all races, and creeds. Men worked came home and made good. I do believe if it were not for today’s modern electronics and media. We would still be a nation that would flourish. We would not have these people offended by everything just because someone tells them to be offended, and they change with the wind!!! . I am a believer in every man has the right to be equal and have their own opinion and thoughts. If you were in some countries you are not allowed to fly any flag but that nations flag. In some countries women have to cover their bodies and faces. Isis kills women who are raped because they believe it is the womans fault. Is this the type of country you want?. A nation where we are told what we can do in our spare time, and how we think? Just a thought. I hope I brought some light to this situation in our country. Only reason I wrote this today is because I saw an article about some lady politician. She decided to get a petition to change the name of a a high school, all because it was named Robert E. Lee high school. Nobody ever complained up until her. the media only covered her petition, and not that alot of students filed a separate  petition to keep the name. Again if we forget our past we repeat our past.

Thank you for reading.